A Full Diploma Candidate...
Participates in the IB program at its greatest level.
Takes IB honors level courses both the 11th and 12th grade years. When building a Diploma schedule, a student will select 6 IB courses total, 3 to be studied at the "higher level" and 3 to be studied at the "standard level."
Selects IB courses from the following areas: English, World Language, History, Science, Math and an IB Elective (Music, Business Management, or Psychology).
Takes a course called "Theory of Knowledge." This course is spread ver the two years of the program through TOK I and TOK II.
Writes a research paper of no more than 4,000 words (8-14 pages) called the "Extended Essay."Participates in various artistic, athletic, community service pursuits throughout their time as a diploma candidate, thus fostering their awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic area. This portion of the program is called "Creativity, Action, and Service."