College Emergency Medical Careers I - EMT I - EMED 1113
Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
Ms. Ann Dublin
This course is designed to instruct students to the level of Emergency Medical Responder, who serves as a vital link in the chain of the health care team. Using the most current Emergency Medical Services (EMS) standards this course prepares the student for prehospital assessment and care for patients of all ages. Major topic areas include introduction to the EMS system, roles and responsibilities of the EMS provider, basic medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology of diseases. In addition, patient assessment will be introduced. Upon completion of this course with a passing grade of C or better, students will be eligible to take Emergency Medical Careers II (Emergency Medical Technician II).
Specifically, after successful completion of the program, the student will be able to perform the following functions at minimum entry level:
- Demonstrate roles and responsibilities of an EMR
- Describe anatomy and physiology of the human body, accounting for developmental and age differences.
- Recognize the seriousness of the patient's condition or extent of injuries to assess requirements for emergency medical care.
- CPR at the level of American Heart Association BLS Healthcare Provider. Opportunity to become certified is required and provided.
- Perform appropriate airway and ventilation of patients of all ages.
- Perform sound assessment of medical patients of all ages.
- Show knowledge and indications, contraindications, doses and side effects of specific medications.
Articulated Credit:
The student can receive 4 college credits upon successful completion of this course. In order to earn college credit, Students must achieve a cumulative 80% or higher on all (skill and written) summative assessments.
Students must also successfully complete certification requirements for the certifying agency for Emergency Medical Responder in accordance with the requirements for the MN State EMSRB.
Concurrent Enrollment:
This course is concurrent with Anoka Technical College. The curriculum in this class is the same as the college curriculum. When concurrently enrolled, you are officially enrolled at the Anoka Technical College. The grade you earn in this class will appear on an official transcript from Anoka Tech and is worth 4 college credits.
Course Outcomes:
The First Responder will "size-up" the scene to determine that the scene is safe, to identify the mechanism of injury or nature of illness, and the total number of patients, and to request additional help if necessary. In the absence of law enforcement, creates a safe traffic environment. Based on assessment findings,
and using a limited amount of equipment, renders emergency medical care to adults, children and infants.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Open and maintaining an airway
- Ventilate patients
- Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- Providing emergency medical care of simple and multiple system trauma such as:
- Controlling hemorrhage,
- Bandaging wounds,
- Manually stabilizing injured extremities.
- Providing emergency medical care to:
- Assist in childbirth
- Manage general medical complaints, altered mental status, seizures, environmental emergencies, behavioral emergencies and psychological crises.
- Performs emergency moves and assists other EMS providers in the use of the prescribed techniques and appliances for safely removing the patient.
- Under the direction and supervision of other EMS providers, assists in lifting the stretcher, placing the stretcher in the ambulance, and seeing that the patient and stretcher are secured.
- In cases of multiple patients, performs basic triage.
Assessment of Student Performance:
- Unit Exams
- Study Guides for every unit
- Final: Practical Skills Assessment
- Career and Employability Skills
Students will be expected to:
- Attend class. Attendance in class is mandatory. No more than 9 hours or 6 full classes
can be missed if the student is to certify and receive college credit.
- Be on time for class. Repeated tardiness will result in time lost for the student.
- Participate in class discussions and practical skills.
- Complete required skills during the scheduled times.
- Homework assignments. There is a study guide for each chapter that is due at the time of each unit test.
- Turn in all assignments and projects on the due date. Failure to turn in assignments on the due date will result in loss of full credit. For each day that the homework is overdue, there will be a 20% reduction for each day late in the points earned by the student for that particular assignment.
- Pass each unit test. There will be a test upon completion of each unit.
- Communicate with the teacher when he/she is absent. It is the student’s responsibility to approach the teacher after an absence to find out what was missed.
- A student may only retake a total of 2 summative unit assessments or tests.
Course Evaluation
- Grading is weighted as follows:
Study Guides make up 20% of your final grade.
Unit Assessments or exams make up 50% of your final grade.
Skills tests make up 20% of your final grade.
Career and Employability Skills make up 10% of your final grade.
(See separate handout)
- Grades will be earned as follows: 100% - 90% = A
89% - 80% = B
79% - 70% = C
69% - 60% = D
59% - Below = F
State Certification:
This course is recognized by the state and is a certificated course. Upon completion and passing of the course curriculum and practical examination, each student will obtain his/her Emergency Medical Responder Certificate.
The student must also pass a written exam and a skills practical skills exam, with a minimum of 70% on each exam in order to be certified as an EMR.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to practice the highest standards of ethics and honesty in all of their work. Any form of academic dishonesty may result in disciplinary action. Any act or attempt of plagiarism, cheating or falsification will not be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right to assign a zero for that assignment, quiz or test and/or make a referral for further disciplinary action. Any academic dishonesty could result in failure of the course and not receive certification.
Supplies Needed
- 1 Folder for Study Guides and skills sheets.
- Pens and pencils