ESL Content II
Ms. Chandler
(763) 506-7208
Course Topics:
Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3
Safety Procedures Machines Matter
Being a Scientist Engineering Electricity
Force and Motion Energy Geology .
*At the beginning of each unit, an outline will be given to the students to inform them of upcoming course learning targets, tests, projects, and assessments.
Grading Categories
· Assignments 25%
· Writing Assignments/Presentations 25%
· Quizzes 20%
· Tests 20%
· Common Summative 10%
Grading Scale
A = 93% or higher B+ = 89.9% to 87% C+ = 79.9% to 77% D+ = 69.9% to 67%
A-= 90% to 92.9% B= 86.9% to 83% C= 76.9% to 73% D= 66.9% to 63%
B- 82.9% to 80% C-= 72.9% to 70% D-= 62.9% to 60%
Grades will be posted on A-H Connect throughout each trimester.
Materials Needed:
· Pen/pencil
· Folder
· Notebook
Homework Expectations and Late Work:
It is important for students to have their homework completed on time so that students are prepared for the learning in class each day. Points will be taken off for late work.
Re-Take Policy:
Students are allowed to re-take major tests at teacher discretion to earn partial credit.
Attendance Policy:
If students miss a class, they are responsible for making sure to complete all work. Students are allowed two days for each day absent. Students should write “ABSENT” and the date at the top of the paper.
Tardy Policy:
Students must be in the classroom when the bell finishes ringing, or it will be considered a tardy. The school policy is that 6 tardies = a lunch detention.
Electronic Devices:
Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom without the teacher’s permission. If students use them during class, the phone will be sent to the office.