• Welcome to the new school year.  The special education staff in rooms 184 and 185 are looking forward to providing your student with services to meet their educational needs and allow them to reach their potential.

    I will be your child’s teacher this year.     

    To assist your child in the area of personal care and classroom work, we ask that the following school supplies be sent to school with your child:

    Personal Care:                                 Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, brush or comb, and any other personal care items that are meaningful to your child.

    School Supplies:                             pencil box, pencils, crayons, washable markers and a box of Kleenex.

    Bathroom (If needed):                change of clothing, disposable briefs or underwear, and wipes.  These items will be kept in a separate container for your child.

    Classroom Snacks (optional):    The students enjoy a small snack mid-morning.  We would welcome items such as goldfish crackers, graham crackers, Cheez-its, pretzels, cereals, granola bars and healthy crackers to share with all the students.  Thank you in advance if you choose to contribute.

    We are planning two community outings each month.  Enclosed you will find a permission slip for these outings.  Please complete it and return to school.  To better accommodate families, we will ask for the trip expense money just prior to each trip.  We are working to keep the amount of these trips reasonable.

    If you wish to have daily written communication with our classroom, please keep a notebook in your student’s backpack.  A staff member will check it each day.  To reach me, you may use email or voicemail.  If you prefer email, please send an email note from your preferred account and I will keep that in my address book for the school year.  My contact information is:

    e-mail:                                      Christine.Beekman@ahschools.us   
    Phone / Voice Mail:            763-506-7282

    For urgent calls during the school day, please use the high school’s main number 763-506-7100 and ask for assistance.

    We are looking forward to a successful school year and a good working school/family partnership.


    Christine Beekman