Business Management[AC] (Articulated Credit) see below[ NOCTI] (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute) see belowIntended Audience: Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 Credit: One trimester = 0.5 creditMajor Outcomes:• Develop the skills to plan, lead, staff, organize and control a successful business• Learn about successful business leaders• Explore management fundamentals as well as business, marketing and financial business principlesProjects, Activities, etc.: Enhance your management skills using a computer simulation to manage a small retail store: purchasing, pricing, promotion, staffing, and market research are all part of your management activities. Instructional Focus: Case studies, group projects, hands-on activities Co-curricular Connection: BPA, DECABusiness Management Syllabus Mr. Holzhaeuser
[AC] Articulated Credit: Click here
College Credit: Students must meet a 85% benchmark throughout the secondary trimester course to earn an articulated credit
Credit Recommendation: 3 credit semester hours in Introduction to Business (BUSN 1101), (BUSN 1000), or (BUSN 1105)List of Cooperating Colleges: Click Here[NOCTI] Exam: Click here
College Credit: Students must meet a 70% benchmark on the final General Management Nocti ExamCredit Recommendation: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in General Management or BusinessList of Cooperating Colleges: Click Here