Government and Politics Syllabus
Ms. Cleveland
Room 308
(763) 576-7932
Course Description
Government and Politics is a one Trimester class. Students will study U.S. Government and Political Systems in 5 units.
1. Intro to Government and Politics
2. Three Branches of Government
3. Constitutional Law
4. American Legal System
5. The US and the World
Class expectations:
Respect everyone and everything in our classroom
Be prepared - bring all materials (paper, textbook, writing utensil, etc.)
Participate in class
Be on time
Do not disrupt the learning of others
Discipline will be handled in the classroom and occasionally by school administration.
Classroom plagiarism policy is consistent with ISD #11, which can be found in the student handbook.
Required Materials:
Textbook= Government Alive! Power, Politics and You
Hard copies are available in the classroom and may be checked out if needed to do homework to bring your grade up. Talk to your teacher about this.
Student Online Access to text will be provided. Please talk with your teacher if consistent access to the internet is an issue for you.
Link: Teachtci.com
UserName and Password: Please use your school login
1 subject notebook for G & P
folder/binder for documents connected to class
AH Connect
To access student grades, use the Parent/StudentView by Synergy on AH Connect from the Anoka-Hennepin website at www.ahschools.us.
Click on the lock and key and log in to your account.
Then find the Synergy button which should look like this or this
All Social Studies teachers will be posting grades on Synergy.
Teacher Contact:
The best way to contact your teacher is by email. Emails are generally returned the same day. At times phone messages are or can be delayed.
Our class will consist of lectures, discussions/debates, group projects, individual research, readings, films, student presentations, document work, quizzes and exams.