Summer Enrichment Opportunities
The Curriculum Department at Anoka-Hennepin Schools regularly receives information regarding summer enrichment opportunities. The compiled list of opportunities is designed to address the intellectual and creative interests of students.
- The Bakken Museum
- Camp Invention
- Concordia Language Villages
- Historic Fort Snelling
- International Wolf Center
- Kids’ University (U of M)
- Kids’ University Raptor Camp Programs
- The Loft
- Macalester College iD Tech Camps
- Mill City Museum
- Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth (MITY)
- Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
- Minnesota Zoo camps
- Northern Clay Center
- Northwestern Center for Talent Development - Illinois
- Pavek Museum
- Rum River Art Center
- The Science Museum of Minnesota
- Summer at SPA (St. Paul Academy) – Learn, Explore, Create
- Vertical Endeavors
- The Works Museum – Engineering Fun
- University of St. Thomas STEPS (Science, Technology, Engineering Preview Summer)
Enrichment opportunitiesListed below are middle school enrichment opportunities available. Please contact your school's talent development leader if you have further questions.
Opportunities available to all interested middle school students outside the school day
Young Scientist Roundtable is an opportunity for students, K-12, who are interested in science to attend presentations by scientists in the field. Sessions are held approximately once a month, and most are at the Educational Service Center in Anoka There is no charge or registration for these events. Parents are welcome to attend, and unless otherwise communicated, families must provide their own transportation. For specifics and a schedule, see ahschools.us/communityeducation.
Destination Imagination (DI), an extra-curricular creative problem solving competition, is open to students in grades K-12. Teams solve challenges in areas such as engineering, science, technology, performing arts, improvisation and community service. Teams are usually facilitated by volunteer team managers. To learn more about DI in Anoka-Hennepin schools, contact our district DI Coordinator Lynn Montgomery (612-670-828). For more details: destinationimagination.org or mndi.org.
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education provides a variety of activities available to all students. In addition to catalogs received in the mail, information can be found at ahschools.us/communityeducation or by linking to “Community Ed” at the top of your school’s website.Minnesota Junior High Math League is an after-school academic team for talented math students who want to expand their problem solving skills and compete against other students and teams. There are five competitions each year; transportation to meets and back to schools is provided. For further information: mnjhml.com and contact your school’s talent development leader.Knowledge Bowl is an after-school academic team experience which includes three competitions each school year. Teams compete against other schools. Transportation is provided by the district. For further information: successbeyond.org/KB.html and contact your school’s talent development leader.Opportunities available to students who qualify
The Creative Con (grades 6 - 8) and the Young Authors Conference (grades 6-8) are one-day off-site learning experiences available to recommended/invited students. Students who are invited to participate will be notified. For more information: successbeyond.org.
St. Cloud State University Math Contest is a one-day competition held in early spring during a school day. Transportation is provided by the district. Students who are invited to participate will be notified. For more information: web.stcloudstate.edu/mathcontest/.Optimist Club Oratorical Workshop & Speech Contest This workshop is a half-day informational meeting available to students who are invited by their English Language Arts (ELA) teachers. The students will learn about the Optimist Club Oratorical Contest, which is a speech contest that takes place one evening in the winter. Students who are invited to participate will be notified. For more information on the speech contest: optimist.org/e/member/scholarships4.cfm.Optimist Club Essay Contest is an opportunity for students to write an essay on a pre-determined topic. For information: optimist.org/e/member/scholarships3.cfm and contact your student’s English language arts teacher or your school’s talent development leader.Scripps Spelling Bee For information, see spellingbee.com and contact your school’s talent development leader.
National Geographic Bee For information, visit www.nationalgeographic.com/geobee/ and contact your school’s talent development leader.
For more information about talent development at OVMS contact:Jen Clark763-506-5720