• First Trimester Targets:


    Target Goals for Unit #1 "Fiction/Literature"
    • Make logical inferences about a piece of literature.
    • Find evidence in literature that supports an analysis of how the setting affects the plot.
    • Explain how the evidence found in the text supports an analysis of literature.
    • Analyze how a short piece of literature impacts the whole piece of literature.
    Target Goals for Unit #2 "Nonfiction"
    • Make logical inferences about the central idea in a piece of informational text.
    • Locate evidence to support the central idea.
    • Explain how the evidence found in the text conveys the central idea through particular details.
    • Analyze how the writer has helped the reader understand the text. How are the details of the text organized to support the central idea?
    Writing Learning Targets
    • Write routinely.
    • Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
    • Practice methods of prewriting as a part of a writing process.
    • Draft, revise for content and clarity, and edit.
    Speaking, Viewing, Listening, Media – Literature Circles/Book Review
    • Describe a speaker’s argument, reasoning, and audience.
    • Determine what information is supported and unsupported in an argument.
    • Present an informational speech.
    • Use descriptions, facts, and details to point out central ideas or themes in a logical order.
    • Use appropriate eye contact, volume, and clear pronunciation.
    • Use standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
    • Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.
    • Recognize and correct vague pronouns.
    • Use knowledge of standard English grammar when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
    • Apply the knowledge of word parts to determine the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple meaning words.
    • Use context clues to determine meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words.

    Second Trimester Targets:

    Target Goals for Unit #3 "RESEARCH"
    • Students can create a question and conduct a short research project.
    • Students can assess the credibility of sources.
    • Student can gather relevant information from multiple print and/or digital sources.
    • Students can determine what information is useful.
    • Student can quote or paraphrase information to avoid plagiarism.
    • Students can site sources in a basic bibliography.

    Target Goals for Unit #4 "Persuasive Writing"
    • Students can support an argument using reasons and evidence collected from prior knowledge or from a text.
    • Students can use credible sources to find evidence to support an argument.
    • Students can determine what information is useful and valid when supporting an argument.
    • Students can write a persuasive argument that is logically ordered to assist the reader. The draft should have multiple paragraphs including an introduction, topic sentences with support, transition words, and a conclusion.
    • Students can clearly describe a speaker's argument, reasoning, and their audience.
    • Students can determine what information is supported and what is unsupported in the argument.

    Third Trimester Targets: