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    Blaine Bengal Girls' Tennis Team Expectations

    Purpose: To become a better tennis player both physically and mentally, have fun, and be an active participant on a team.

    Fees: $240 Activity Fee 

    Conduct Guidelines:

    1. WE ARE A TEAM! This means we will stay for the duration of all matches and support our teammates. Exceptions only made by handwritten/emailed parent/guardian request in advance.

    2. All team members are expected to attend all practices, matches, and tournament competitions. * Any school related issues which cannot be resolved before school require prior arrangement with a coach.

    3. Conduct during practice, matches and off the court will be one of commitment, respect, and hard work.  Any decision a player makes that violates the MSHSL Student Code of Responsibilities will result in serving the corresponding MSHSL penalty.  (This includes chemical use, harassment, hazing and the use of social media...Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)  

    4. All team members must abide by all Minnesota State High School League rules.


    1. If you are going to be absent, you must inform one of the coaches prior to the absence. *Excused absences include family related issues, emergencies, and sickness...not work! Leaving practice or matches early for after school jobs is not acceptable. It will be considered an absence. Refer to calendar for practice and match days.

    2. All absences must be given in person or through an email/voicemail, we will not accept anything reported by another team member.

    3. All athletes must be in school by 10 A.M. to participate in practice or a match.

    4. Missing practice will bring a question of your commitment to the tennis team.

    Absence Policy: - One Unexcused = Sit out for one match - Two Unexcused = Sit out for two matches - Three Unexcused = You will no longer be a part of the Blaine Girls’ Tennis Team


    The Varsity lineup will consist of the top 10 players. (Any senior that does not make Varsity will not be able to play in the JV/C lineups.  Instead they will play exhibition on whichever of the four squads their ability best fits and there is a roster spot for them.)

    The JV lineup will consist of the next 10 best players. (Juniors that do not make the JV will play exhibition JV or on the B/C-squad depending on ability level and where there is a roster spot for them.)

    C-Squad will consist of the next 10 best players that do not make the Varsity or JV. (Anyone that does not make the top 10 on the C-Squad will play exhibition for the B/C-Squad.)



     Lettering Policy:

    1. You must abide by all Team and MSHSL rules of conduct.

    2. You must play at least 60% of your matches on the varsity squad. (Exhibition matches are not included.)

    3. Coaches have the final say in all lettering considerations.

    Player Signature_____________________________________________ Date________________

    Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________ Date________________