• AMSA School Policies

    The Policy on Weapons
    The district does not tolerate weapons at any time on school grounds. Any student found to possess, store, handle, transmit or use any weapon would be subject to administrative and/or legal action. Students who become aware of a weapon being brought to school or on school property must immediately notify a staff member. A student who becomes aware that he/she is in possession of a weapon and immediately notifies a staff member may avoid, depending on the circumstances, disciplinary action. Definition of a weapon: A weapon is defined as a knife, firearm, or an item which looks like a firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, destructive explosives or any look-alike or any other device that is meant to threaten, intimidate or produce bodily harm or fear of such. Examples of weapons include, but are not limited to: All firearms, other firearms including BB/pellet/look-alikes, knives, including switch blades and Swiss army knives, knuckles, martial arts devices, explosives, slingshot, mace. Consequences: Possession of a weapon will lead to suspension and the immediate initiation of the expulsion process and may lead to a referral to the police.

    Bus Safety Policy

    Students who have the opportunity to ride district school buses may do so as long as they display behavior that is reasonable and safe. Choosing to display unacceptable behavior, will result in loss of bus service. Students are assigned to buses and bus stops. Students must ride their assigned bus. Failure to do so, may result in disciplinary action.

    Bullying is a conscious, willful, and deliberate hostile activity intended to induce intimidation through the threat of further emotional or physical harm. Bullying is wrong and will not be tolerated.

    Students cannot make full use of the educational program if they are involved with chemicals. Consequences related to the use/possessions/transmission are very harsh and will be enforced. It is a violation of the controlled substance policy: To consume/have used any alcohol, narcotic, or mood altering substance while at school or at a school sponsored activity, possess alcohol/narcotic/mood-altering substances or drug paraphernalia on school grounds or at school activities. The police will be notified of any chemical violation. Consequences: Any violation of use/possession/or transmission will result in suspension, parent conference, and possible referral to the School Board for a conditional expulsion. Any student who sells, buys, gives, receives or who possesses with the intent to sell or distribute; alcohol, narcotics, inhalants or any mood-altering substance (including look-alike substances) on school property or at a school sponsored activity, will be referred to the School Board for expulsion from the Anoka-Hennepin school district.

    Physical Aggression/Fighting
    Fighting is extremely disruptive to the school setting; therefore, the consequences for such behavior are harsh. Physical aggression will be defined as: Any physically violent contact with another student or group of students regardless of who initiated it in which a student intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm on another person. Students who contribute to an act of physical aggression verbally or through behavior or by preventing the intervention of a staff member who is attempting to stop an act of physical aggression will be subject to disciplinary action. Promoting, instigating, and/or aiding physical aggression will not be tolerated. Consequences: Students involved in physical aggression, fighting, instigating physical aggression may face possible suspension, parent conference, counseling session, referral to law enforcement officials, possible referral to the School Board for a conditional expulsion

    Search and Seizure
    Lockers, desks, and other areas remain the property of the school and at any time it is deemed necessary, the principal or her designee has the authority to conduct a search and confiscate items.

    “Hazing” means committing an act against a person, or coercing a person into committing an act that created a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the person to be accepted into an organization. Hazing will not be tolerated and anyone involved in hazing may be subject to disciplinary action.

    Sexual/Racial/Religious/Disability Harassment/Violence Policy
    Any action towards or by a student to harass through conduct or communication of a sexual,racial, religious, or disability nature shall be subject to disciplinary action. Any student who believes he/she has experienced harassment should report the incident to a staff member.

    Student Threats to Staff

    Threats and inappropriate language towards staff members will not be tolerated. Consequences may include: Suspension, police referral, parent conference, possible recommendation to the School Board for expulsion.

    Acceptable Use of Technology

    Students who abuse their use of technology. (i.e. Access to inappropriate web sites, access of inappropriate files) will be subject to disciplinary action and possible loss of computer privileges.

    Disruptive Student Policy

    An environment conductive to learning must be maintained to ensure equal educational opportunity for all students. A student will be referred to the school board for expulsion if various appropriate interventions have been implemented and documented and the student persists in a behavior that: violates any reasonable school board regulation, significantly disrupts the rights of others to an education, or endangers the pupil, others surrounding the pupil, or the property of the school.

    Video Surveillance (On school grounds and in school buildings)
    Anoka-Hennepin uses video surveillance on school grounds to maintain the health, welfare, and safety of students, staff and visitors while on school district property as well as the protection of school district property. School district building and grounds may be equipped with video cameras. Videotapes will be reviewed by school district personnel on a random basis and/or when problems arise.

    Staff Notification of Violent Behavior of Students
    This policy addresses staff notification of violent behavior by students. The purpose of this policy is to address the circumstances in which data should be provided to classroom teachers and other school staff members regarding students with a history of violent behavior in order to serve the student and protect students and staff members.

    Student Records Policy
    Parents and students are informed that they have the following rights: To inspect and review the student’s education records, seek amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate,to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s records, that the school district may disclose education records to other school officials within the district whom the district has determined to have legitimate educational interests, that the school district forwards educational records on request to a school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, that the parent or eligible student has a right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education regarding an alleged failure to comply with requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

    Photo/Video Guidelines
    Anoka-Hennepin employees and others occasionally take photos and videotape students and staff in our schools. The photos may be used in newsletters, newspapers, programs, yearbooks, brochures, on television, on Web pages, in educational videotapes and other appropriate uses. For student protection, a student’s photo and name will not appear together on a school Web site or the Anoka-Hennepin web site. If parents do not want their child photographed, they must indicate that by checking the “restrict student photo” box on the Student Emergency Form. Although the school will take reasonable steps to prevent your child from being photographed, the school cannot guarantee that your child will not be photographed as part of a large group and other situations where there are large numbers of students.

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Students in District #11 shall recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America one or more times each week. Anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the pledge of allegiance for any personal reasons may elect not to do so.

    Language of Harassment
    Anoka-Hennepin is committed to creating an inclusive and positive climate in all of our schools, where all students feel comfortable, safe and ready to learn, thus the Language of Harassment has no place in our schools. The Language of Harassment is language that creates a hostile, offensive or intimidating school environment.

    Communication of any kind (words, writing, symbols) that is intended to hurt, demean, degrade, abuse, insult, and/or intimidate another person or groups of people, related to a student's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Such communication, even a single incident, may constitute a violation of the law.