Registering for 2025-26 high school courses
This high school registration guide is designed to help you select your courses. The guide explains which courses you need for graduation and when you need to take them. It will also help you choose courses to meet your goals after high school, whether you want to get a particular kind of job, go to college, or enlist in military service.
Here are the parts to this registration guide:
- This introduction will define important terms and answer frequently asked questions
- The planning guide for graduation gives information about district graduation requirements
- You will also find a graduation requirements checklist to track your progress toward graduation
- Assistance for students
- Program options
- Earn college credit in high school
- Activities eligibility
- Post-Secondary planning
- Course descriptions give detailed information about each course offered by the Anoka-Hennepin School District
The 2025-26 registration guide is now available. To view older versions, check out the document center archive.For additional help, please contact a school counselor.