• Welcome to the Library Media Center!

    Students come to the Library Media Center (LMC) every two weeks with their ELA class.  The Library Media Center is open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. Students are encouraged to visit the Library Media Center before school or during passing time to check out books, return books, or renew books.

    Students may check out 5 books, read the books for two weeks and renew a book twice more. Graphic novels and magazines are limited to ONE at a time and ONE per day.

    Textbooks for ELA, History, Geography, Atlases, and World Languages are available for OVERNIGHT checkout. The textbook checkout does not count against the 5 book limit.  NO MATH or SCIENCE textbooks available for checkout from LMC.  Please contact classroom teacher to request extended textbook checkout. 

    When a book is checked out, the expectation is that it will be read and returned. It is the student's responsibility to get the books back to library so others have the opportunity to read them. Please take good care of the Library Media Center materials and return materials in the same good condition. Take care when putting books into backpacks so the books/magazines do not get damaged. Fines will be assessed for damages or lost materials.