• OuR TLC Shelf

    OuR TLC Shelf is an onsite food shelf, hygiene shelf, and clothing closet accessible by students and their families/ caregivers. Students have time during the school day to pack items to bring home, lists can be sent with students of what is needed at home and items will be sent if available, or parents/ guardians can make an appointment to pack their items. 
    Contact Julie Beaufeaux, School Social Worker, at 763-506-1967 for questions or to schedule an appointment for food packing or donation planning.
  • Giving to OuR TLC Shelf

    OuR TLC shelf is funded through generous staff donations, community donations and financial support, as well as corporate financial support. Items we always need include toothpaste, tooth brushes, mens and womens deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, and food items such as canned meat (tuna or chicken), Ramen noodles, mac-n-cheese, spaghetti-o's/ ravioli, cereal flavored oatmeal, canned fruit, and noodle packs. 
    OuR TLC Shelf is in need of the following items:
  • Food Item Needs

  • Hygiene Product Needs

  • Miscellaneous Needs

  • Faith and community partners

    Northgate Church and Chain of Lakes Church also coordinate Faith Partnership relationships that meet many needs, including monetary donation, physical food and hygiene items, and volunteer hours. If you are interested in donation opportunities, checks can be made to Buffalo Boosters or AHEF (Anoka Hennepin Education Foundation) or contact the building social worker for food/ hygiene item needs.
  • Community Partnerships

  • Faith Partnerships

  • Community Resources

  • McKinney-Vento law

    If you feel like you meet the eligibility requirements under the McKinney-Vento Law, contact Julie Beafeaux at 763-506-1967 or the district liaison Jessica Jasurda at 763-433-4685.

    According to the McKinney-Vento Act  homeless students are defined as lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, including children who are:

    1. Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship;
    2. Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to the lack of adequate accommodations;
    3. Living in emergency or transitional shelters;
    4. Are abandoned in hospitals;
    5. Awaiting foster care placement;
    6. Living in public or private places not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
    7. Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, transportation stations or similar settings;
    8. Migratory children living in conditions described in the previous examples.
    9. Unaccompanied youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.